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The Archetype of the Number and its Reflections in Contemporary Cosmology

Cet ouvrage d’Alain Nègre est disponible en langue anglaise uniquement, il est sous titré Psychophysical Rhythmic Configurations – Jung, Pauli and Beyond. Il fait l’objet d’une présentation dans la série d’articles intitulée Vers une approche énantiodromique de l’univers. Jung, Pauli et au-delà…

Les éditions Chiron – 14 x 21,6 x 1,2 cm – 212 pages

Table des matières

Preface ix

1. Seeing the History of the Universe in a Different Light

2. Wolfgang Pauli and Number as ‘Primitive Mathematical Intuition

3. Signs in the Sky: The Withdrawal of Projections

4. Science Finds its Origins Outside of its Own System of Thought: Natural Numbers and the Foundations of Mathematics

4.1. Limits in Scientific Knowledge
4.2. Levels of Reality and Mirroring Effects
4.3. Qualitative Number and Quantitative Number
4.4. The Number-Archetype, the Point of Contact between Matter and the Psyche
4.5. Symmetry and Asymmetry in Number

5. The Concept of Number-Archetype and the First Four Integers

5.1. One Becomes Two, Two becomes Three . . . Number as a Field
5.2 The First Four Integer Numbers as Fundamental Dynamic Models

6. The Transition from Three to Four

6.1. The Transition from Three to Four in the (3 + 1) Psychological Functions
6.2. The Transition from Three to Four in the Trinity and the Assumption of Mary
6.3. (3 + 1) Dimensions of Space-Time and (3 + 1) Interactions in Physics
6.4. The Transition from Three to Four in the (3 + 1) Quantum Numbers
6.5. Trinitarian Kepler and Quaternarian Fludd

7. Traces of a Quaternary Rhythm in Cosmological Events

7.1 Two Strongly Emergent Events
7.2. Two Horizon-Type Events or Temporal-Attracting Events
7.3. Relative Durations of the Four Quadrants of the History of the Universe
7.4. The Four Quadrants and Cosmological ‘Eras’
7.5. The (3 + 1) Aristotelian Causes and the (3 + 1) Steps of Alchemical Work throughout the Universe

8. Traces of a Ternary Rhythm in Cosmological Events

8.1. Three Forces and Three Ternary Sequences
8.2. Ternary Sequence in the First Quadrant
8.3. Ternary Sequence in the Second Quadrant
8.4. Ternary Sequence in the Third Quadrant
8.5. Ternary Sequence in the Fourth Quadrant
8.6. The Unfinished Game of the Untotalizable ‘4 x 3’ Structure
8.7. The Fourth of the Aristotelian Causes and Alchemical Process Revisited

9. The Archetypal Images of the Zodiac as Projection of Numbers-Archetypes

9.1. Zodiac Signs Expand Number Symbolism
9.2. Jung’s Equation of the Self
9.3. Illustration of Cyclical Process
9.4. The Two Spirals of the Zodiac Circle: Involution, Devolution, and Evolution processes

10. The Rhythmic Reflections of the Psychophysical Energy through a Diachronic Reading of the Zodiac

11. Squaring the Circle and the Union of Opposites

11.1. Strange Loops and ‘Aspects’
11.2. The Interchange of Time
11.3. The Three Crosses of the Relational Physics of the Universe
11.4. Coniunctio Oppositorum: The Six Oppositions

12. The Universe and its Fourfold Refection

12.1. Four Types of Psychological Projection
12.2. Ego-Self Mirrorings
12.3. Matter-Psyche Mirrorings
12.4. The Four Emblematic Events of the Universe as Four Psychophysical Projections
12.5. The Chiseling Work of the Universe

Conclusion & Bibliography

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Alain Nègre

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